Monday, December 25, 2006

GW Monument, GW Lives! and Lil' Georgey

Dear Jamey my boy,

Here is a photo from August in the year of Our Lord Jesus 1999. If you notice, the Washington Monument is covered with a metal scaffolding that was in place for quite some time to repair the mortar in the monument stones.

I have you dressed in a "buff' color corduroy jumper so to be like the Revolutionary Army uniform of George Washington that was Buff and Blue.

You and your father are praying together for America, on the Washington Mall in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, our Nation's Capital City.

The sign says C.R.O.S.S. that stands for Capital Resort Outreach Serving the Savior, and our Savior and Lord is the Son of God, Jesus Christ whose birthday we celebrate with Christmas!

This picture here is again dog-earred, or well worn from being carried in your PaPa's pocket All Across America during the Prayer Pilgrimage.

This is from late January or early February in the Year of Our Lord Jesus 1999, about 7 months before the photo above, (the two photos compared show how you are a growing boy!) when I suited up for the first or one of the first times for my The Spirit of George Washington LIVES! "dinner theater" performances for the high school students from all across America here in Washington with American Christian Tours.

Just know that I love holding you in my arms and lifting you up, while in my mind and my prayers I am lifting you up to Our Father, and know too that I love kneeling beside you to pray with you and to pray for you, and lift you up while down on my knees.

I love you my Jamey boy. God bless you and keep you safe until we are together again, and then you and I will be happy again together.

Merry Christmas!


Your PaPa,


James 1:2

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