Monday, December 25, 2006

Dear Jamey my boy,

This precious photo was once on the refrigerator in our Belleview home.

You can see that it is from moments after you were born, and... can see that it has been pretty well been battered up as a photograph with all the white lines showing creases and wrinkles in the picture.

Yet the basic image remains, and shows that your father loves you dearly.

Meanwhile at the top are toy alphabet blocks that spell out B A B Y. At the bottom is "America One Communications", and to the right America's number one in communications to Our Father in Heaven, "the father of His country", George Washington, kneeling in prayer in the snow at Valley Forge on Christmas night in the Year of Our Lord Jesus 1777.

On Christmas eve, in the Year of Our Lord 2000, your father was kneeling in prayer in the snow at Valley Forge for you, his beloved boy, Jamey.

Merry Christmas!

Love, Your PaPa,


James 1:2

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